How To Unclog A Garbage Disposal With Standing Water

Garbage disposals are a convenient appliance in any kitchen, but they can become clogged, leading to standing water and unpleasant odors. Knowing how to unclog a garbage disposal with standing water can save you time and money.

You can use a plunger, pliers, allen wrench, and even disposal cleaning tablets to unclog a garbage disposal. 

If you want to have step-by-step instructions and DIY solutions for clearing a clogged garbage disposal, then keep reading this post. We will also cover common causes of garbage disposal clogs and how to prevent them. 

We will also explore the essential tools for effectively unclogging garbage disposal and provide professional tips and tricks for when to call in an expert assistant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Unclogging a garbage disposal with standing water is a common household issue.
  • Different DIY solutions can help clear clogged garbage disposal, including plunging, using baking soda and vinegar, running hot water, and resetting the disposal.
  • Preventing garbage disposal clogs involves using enough water, grinding small amounts of food at a time, and regular cleaning and maintenance.
  • Essential tools for unclogging a garbage disposal include a plunger, pliers, allen wrench, flashlight, tongs, scrub brush, bucket, and disposal cleaning tablets.
  • Knowing when to call a professional plumber is important, especially if there are persistent clogs, strange noises or odors, or electrical issues

Quick Steps to Clear a Clogged Garbage Disposal: DIY Solutions

When faced with a clogged garbage disposal, there are several DIY solutions you can try before calling a plumber. 

This section will outline the quick steps to clear clogged garbage disposal, including plunging the disposal, using baking soda and vinegar, and resetting the disposal.

 It will provide detailed instructions for each method and explain when each solution is most effective.

Steps to Unclog a Garbage Disposal With Standing Water

  1. Plunging the disposal:
    • Fill the sink with enough water to cover the rubber part of the plunger.
    • Place the plunger over the drain and push down forcefully several times.
    • Repeat this process until the water starts draining.
  2. Using baking soda and vinegar:
    • Pour half a cup of baking soda into the disposal.
    • Follow it with one cup of vinegar.
    • Let the mixture sit in the disposal for about 10 minutes.
    • Run hot water down the disposal to flush away the clog.
  3. Resetting the disposal:
    • Locate the reset button on the bottom or side of the disposal.
    • Press the reset button to reset the disposal.
    • Turn on the disposal to check if the clog has been cleared.

By following these DIY solutions, you can effectively clear clogged garbage disposal and avoid the need for professional assistance. 

However, if these methods do not work or the clog persists, it may be necessary to call a plumber for further assistance.

Common Causes of Why A Garbage Disposal Is Not Draining and How to Prevent Them

Garbage disposal clogs can be a frustrating and unpleasant problem to deal with in the kitchen. To keep your garbage disposal running smoothly and prevent clogs from occurring, it’s important to understand the common causes and take proactive measures.

 Here are some of the main causes of garbage disposal clogs and prevention tips:

Not Using Enough Water

One common cause of garbage disposal clogs is not using enough water while running the disposal. 

Insufficient water can prevent food particles from being properly flushed away, leading to accumulation and clogs. 

To prevent this, always run a generous amount of water while operating the garbage disposal, and continue to run the water for a few seconds after turning it off.

Using Hot Water

Using hot water when running the garbage disposal may seem like a good idea for cleaning purposes, but it can contribute to clogs.

Hot water can cause fats and oils to solidify and accumulate in the pipes, leading to blockages. It’s best to use cold water when operating the disposal to prevent this issue.

Grinding Too Much Food at Once

Overloading the garbage disposal with too much food at once is another common cause of clogs. Trying to grind large quantities of food can overwhelm the disposal’s capacity, resulting in blockages. 

To avoid this, always feed small amounts of food into the disposal at a time, allowing it to effectively break down the waste.

Grinding the Wrong Foods

Some foods are simply not suitable for garbage disposal and can cause clogs. Fibrous and stringy foods like celery, corn husks, and onion skins can get tangled around the disposal blades, while hard foods like bones, shells, and fruit pits can damage the disposal. 

Avoid putting these items into the garbage disposal to prevent clogs.

Infrequent Cleaning

Infrequent cleaning of the garbage disposal can contribute to clogs over time. Food particles and debris can accumulate on the blades and inside the disposal, leading to obstructions. 

It’s important to regularly clean the garbage disposal by using a gentle brush or sponge to remove any buildup.

Garbage Disposal Maintenance With Baking Soda and Vinegar

Regular maintenance is crucial to prevent garbage disposal clogs. This includes periodically flushing the disposal with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to remove any residue and odors

Additionally, using disposal cleaning tablets can help to keep the unit clean and fresh.

By following these prevention tips and practicing regular maintenance, you can avoid the frustration of garbage disposal clogs and keep your kitchen running smoothly.

Essential Tools for Unclogging Your Garbage Disposal Safely and Effectively

Having the right tools is essential for safely and effectively unclogging a garbage disposal.

In this section, we will highlight the essential tools you will need to tackle any clog in your garbage disposal.

Unclog and Clean

Tools for Unclogging a Garbage Disposal

1. Plunger: A plunger can create suction and help dislodge any clogs in your garbage disposal. Make sure to use a sink plunger specifically designed for sinks and drains.

2. Pliers: Pliers are useful for reaching and removing any objects or debris that may be causing a blockage in your garbage disposal.

3. Allen Wrench: Many garbage disposals come with an allen wrench that can be used to manually rotate the disposal’s blades and loosen any obstructions.

4. Flashlight: A flashlight is essential for illuminating the dark space under your sink and allowing you to see what you’re doing while working on your garbage disposal.

5. Tongs: Long-handled tongs can be used to safely reach into the garbage disposal and remove any larger objects or debris that may be blocking the blades.

6. Scrub Brush: A scrub brush can be used to clean the inside of your garbage disposal and remove any buildup or residue that may be contributing to clogs.

7. Bucket: It’s always a good idea to have a bucket on hand to catch any water or debris that may spill out during the unclogging process.

8. Disposal Cleaning Tablets: Disposal cleaning tablets can help break down grease, food particles, and odors in your garbage disposal, keeping it clean and clog-free.

By having these essential tools ready, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any clog in your garbage disposal and keep it running smoothly.

PlungerCreate suction and dislodge clogs
PliersReach and remove objects or debris
Allen WrenchManually rotate the disposal’s blades
FlashlightIlluminate the working area
TongsSafely remove larger objects or debris
Scrub BrushClean the inside of the garbage disposal
BucketCatch water and debris
Disposal Cleaning TabletsBreak down grease, food particles, and odors

Professional Tips and Tricks: When to Call for Expert Assistance

Knowing When to Call a Professional

Knowing when to call a professional plumber is essential for resolving stubborn garbage disposal clogs. While DIY solutions can often do the trick, some signs indicate a more serious problem that requires expert assistance.

If the water in the sink is not draining despite your best efforts, it could be a sign of a deeper issue with your garbage disposal. 

Persistent clogs that keep coming back even after you’ve tried various DIY methods may require the expertise of a professional. 

Additionally, strange noises or odors emanating from your garbage disposal can be indicators of a more significant problem that only a plumber can diagnose and fix.

Electrical issues are another red flag that it’s time to call in the experts. If you notice any sparks, flickering lights, or other electrical problems with your garbage disposal, it is crucial to have a qualified plumber address the issue for your safety and the protection of your home.

When in doubt, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and seek professional assistance. Plumbers have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools to tackle even the most challenging garbage disposal clogs. 

They can diagnose the problem accurately, provide efficient solutions, and ensure the safety of your home and family.


1. What can I do when my garbage disposal has standing water?

If your garbage disposal with standing water doesn’t drain water, this typically indicates a blockage. In the process of unclogging a garbage disposal, you might want to use a plunger to remove the clogged garbage disposal. If the garbage disposal is not draining, you should check the disposal unit and disposal drain.

2. How can I maintain my garbage disposal?

Regular maintenance is essential to prevent garbage disposal clogs. Avoid putting hard objects or sticky substances down the disposal. You should not grind up items like coffee grounds as they can lead to further blockages.

3. How can I use baking soda to clean the garbage disposal?

To clean a garbage disposal, you can use baking soda and vinegar. Pour half a cup of baking soda down the disposal, followed by a cup of vinegar. Let it fizz for a few minutes before washing it down with hot water.

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